About Our Director
Dr. Amy Blue’s commitment towards improving interprofessional collaborative healthcare over the last 15 years is evident in her research and implementation of numerous educational programs involving students and faculty from a wide variety of health professions. She serves as the Associate Vice President for Interprofessional Education – UF Health and Clinical Professor in the College of Public Health and Health Professions at the University of Florida. Dr. Blue is a nationally recognized innovator and leader in health professions education and is committed to fostering collaboration, teamwork, diversity, and inclusion among the nation’s health professionals.
Mission and Vision
MISSION – Preparing health professionals to work effectively within health care teams to meet the needs of patients and communities.
VISION – Transforming health through interprofessional collaboration.
The Office of Interprofessional Education at the University of Florida has been providing interprofessional learning opportunities for multiple health professions students since 1999. Our office, in conjunction with the six Health Science Center Colleges, develops learning opportunities that cross college boundaries. These joint educational experiences will result in health professionals who have the attitudes, skills and behaviors to communicate effectively with other health care providers, can work effectively in health are teams, and demonstrate professional conduct during interprofessional encounters. Ultimately, join learning opportunities will lead to higher quality, safer clinical care.
UF Health Science Center Interprofessional Competencies
InterProfessional competency #1
Students will be able to…
Use the knowledge of one’s own role and those of other professions to address the healthcare needs of populations and patients served.
Interprofessional Competency #2
Students will be able to…
Communicate with other health professionals in a respectful and responsible manner.
Interprofessional Competency #3
Students will be able to…
Demonstrate interprofessional teamwork in a variety of roles (e.g. team member, team leader, and role model).
Interprofessional Competency #4
Students will be able to…
Collaborate interprofessionally to address healthcare system development and quality improvement needs.