Adopt a family for the holidays. You don’t have to work alone. Giving is fun when doing it together. Consider partnering with your department, group of friends, or student organizations.

How do I adopt a family? Sign up for a family through the slots below. We have two types of adoption this year. Our traditional family adoptions are what we have done in the past for larger, multigenerational families or those with children. For those that do not want to adopt an entire family or want to make a small donation of food or gift card, we have our golden girls list. In the form below, identify the family or families by number (i.e., f-8, GG1). Once we know who you want to adopt, we will reach out to the family and obtain a wish list that we will send you to help you identify the family needs and requests.
Who will deliver the items? Consider having the gifts are shipped directly to the home of the family through Amazon, Walmart, Target, etc. Please have the items arrive at the home no later than December 15th.
Can the office deliver items will you deliver? Our office will deliver to a few homes. Please ask to confirm. If the office is dropping off the items, we need them wrapped and labeled no later than December 15th.
Traditional Family Adoptions
Family Number | Description | Adoption Status |
F-1 | New to program. Two children who are not yet school age. | Adopted IPE Office |
F-2 | Grandmother who cares for great and grandchildren in home. | Adopted by MW and AAn |
F-3 | Has developmentally disabled adolescent son. | Adopted by GV |
F-4 | New to program. Has two teenage daughters. | Adopted by CR |
F-5 | Single mom with an adolescent son. | AVAILABLE |
F-6 | Family with an adolescent son with cerebral palsy. | Adopted by PP |
F-7 | Large extended family with about 6 adolescents in the home. | Adopted by DL |
F-8 | Family with two daughters. One is school age, and the other is an older adolescent. | Adopted by AM |
F-9 | Family with an active little boy. Mom works and goes to school. | Adopted MS |
F-10 | Grandmother who cares for grandchildren in home. | AVAILABLE |
F-11 | Family with three children. | Adopted SR |
F-12 | Grandmother who cares for great and grandchildren in home. | Adopted by JS – (AA) |
F-13 | Single Mom with adolescent children | Adopted by SR |
F-14 | Family with several young children. | Adopted by IPE Office |
F-15 | Family with 2 adolescent daughters. | AVAILABLE |
F-16 | Single mother with children. | Adopted by AA |
PFF Golden Girls
This list consists of women who have been giving to our program for decades. Although we have many volunteers who have participated for many years, this group of women have been hit hard this year by the hurricanes, house fires, health problems, and extended hospitalizations. Many of them live on a fixed, social security income because they stayed home and took care of disabled members of their family and/or children. So, when hard times hit, they hit very hard for these families.
We are asking for care baskets, socks, blankets, books, small food donation or gift card to lighted their load a little this year.
Golden Girls List
Golden Girl Number | Adoption Status |
GG1 | Adopted by AAlex |
GG2 | Available |
GG3 | Adopted by KC |
GG4 | Adopted by KC |
GG5 | Available |
GG6 | Available |
GG7 | Available |
GG8 | Available |
GG9 | Available |
GG10 | Adopted by MJ |
GG11 | Available |
GG12 | Available |
GG13 | Available |
GG14 | Available |