GLOBAL HEALTH TRAVEL INFORMATION Are you planning to travel internationally?
You may have questions about how to prepare for these types of trips and we want you to be as informed as possible. We’ve arranged a collection of information that will help ensure your trip is both a memorable and successful one. We try to provide you with the most recent information on the most pertinent topics related to international travel: prevention, best practices for working effectively in global and interprofessional settings, and more. Visit the CDC Traveler’s Health website for any information pertaining to your travel destination.
Travel Planning Readings
Pharmacists on short term medical missions
American medical mission teams commonly travel to developing countries for short-term provision of clinical services. Although medications play an important role in the work of these teams, how to plan and organize a mission field pharmacy has been seldom described in the literature.
Volunteering beyond the act of charity
Volunteering internationally appeals to health care professionals and students for a variety of reasons and serves a number of purposes. If international voluntarism is to be mutually advantageous, however, host countries, volunteers and project sponsors need to understand how best they can work together and what can be achieved by volunteers for the greatest benefit of all concerned.
Travel Planning
Expert Tips on success for doing global health work.