Cancer and Diagnosis
Cancer is the second leading cause of death in the United States . Half of all men and one third of all women in the United States will develop cancer during their lifetimes. Today, millions of people are living with cancer or have had cancer. The risk of developing most types of cancer can be reduced by changes in a person’s lifestyle, for example, by quitting smoking and eating a better diet. The sooner a cancer is found and treatment begins, the better are the chances for living for many years.
Different types of cancer can behave very differently. For example, lung cancer and breast cancer are very different diseases. They grow at different rates and respond to different treatments. That is why people with cancer need treatment that is aimed at their particular kind of cancer. Types of CA: Bladder, Breast, Cervical, Colorectal, Hodgkin, Kidney Leukemia, Melanoma, Non-Hodgkin’s Leukemia, Lung, Oral, Ovarian, Pancreas, Prostate, Testicular, Uterine.
Cancer Health Interventions
The number of treatment choices you have will depend on the type of cancer, the stage of the cancer, and other individual factors such as your age, health status, and personal preferences. You are a vital part of your cancer care team – you should discuss with them which treatment choices are best for you. Don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you have. Make sure you understand your options. A cancer diagnosis usually gives people a sense of urgency in making choices about treatment and services. However, take the time to consider all the options available to you so you will be as well informed as possible.
The four major types of treatment for cancer are surgery, radiation, chemotherapy, and biologic therapies. You might also have heard about hormone therapies such as tamoxifen and transplant options such as those done with bone marrow.
Social Issues & Barriers To Care
Patients with newly diagnosed cancer commonly report symptoms related to fatigue, pain, and psychological distress. Other frequently reported issues relate to the need for information and social concerns regarding the patients’ ability to take care of their home and maintain family and other relationships. Awareness of these issues is important for planning supportive care interventions for newly diagnosed cancer patients. Cancer 1997; 80:1518-24. © 1997 American Cancer Society. There are several sources of help for families who need some extra financial support:
Income assistance for low-income families through Supplemental Security Income (SSI) benefits.
Income assistance for needy families from the Children & Families ACCESS programs.
Help with travel, meals and lodging from public and private programs.
Assistance with basic living costs from public and private programs.
Help from church, civic, social, and fraternal groups.
General help from special funds in the medical center and community.
Assistance from fundraising.
National & Local Resources
Mesothelioma Prognosis Guide 888-385-2024
Mesothelioma Cancer 1-800-692-8608
American Cancer Society 800-ACS-2345
National Cancer Institute 800-422-6237
Association of Community Cancer Centers
UF Health Shands Cancer Center 352-265-0111
American Cancer Society local office- 352- 376-6866
United Way Information & Referral 352-332-4636 or 211.
ACCESS program 352-866-762-2237
Alachua County Social Services 352-264-6750
We Care program 352-334-7926
Alachua County Crisis Center 352- 264-6789
Social Security Administration 800-772-1213
Vocational Rehabilitation 352-955-3200
ATC (MV) Transport 352-375-2784
ElderCare of Alachua County 352-265-9040
Hospice Haven 352-378-2121 and 24/7 hotline (1-800-727-1889)
Comfort Keepers- 352-331-7760
Cancer Facts
In 2007, an estimated 10,400 new cancer cases were expected to occur among children aged 0-14 years old. An estimated 1,545 deaths from cancer were expected to occur among children in 2007.
25% of people reported that they used up all or most of their savings dealing with cancer. (Source: USA Today/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Cancer Society – conducted August 1-September 14, 2006).
27% of people that were every uninsured reported that they/their family member delayed or decided not to get care for cancer because of the cost. (Source: USA Today/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Cancer Society – conducted August 1-September 14, 2006).
51% of people think cancer is the most important disease or health condition the government should address. (Source: Harvard School of Public Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Americans’ Views of Public Health, April 2006).
33% of families report a problem paying their cancer bills.
(Source: USA Today/Kaiser Family Foundation/Harvard School of Public Health Care Costs Survey – conducted April 25 – June 9, 2005)